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Fixed Asset Services

Property records impact a company’s performance in numerous ways including tax accounting, cost center performance, property taxes, maintenance expenses and insurance premiums. The task of tracking and maintain these records require time, expertise and resources that are usually allocated elsewhere in an organization.  The need for accurate information has become even more important under the 404 internal control requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley.  JF Group can assist management with an inventory the assets, reconciliation to your fixed asset record and by providing additional asset data.  We can offer suggestions for regular internal verification or we can provide this service to your company.   Specific services can also be developed to satisfy your individual concerns.  The following listings are typical services provided to our clients:

  • Fixed Asset Inventories
  • Fixed Asset Verification
  • Reconciliation of findings to the existing records
  • Asset tagging and bar coding
  • Provide additional asset specific data (manufacturer, model, serial no., location, etc.)
  • Creation of a fixed asset record